Your Task

You are Bud Caldwell.  You are a young African American boy growing up in the time of the Great Depression.  Times were very different back then, especially for a boy like Bud. 
  • Put yourself in Bud’s shoes.
  • Explore the times of the Great Depression.  You will have a different theme/topic to experience each day that you will explore. 

What will you have to do?

Journal/Blog Entries:
  • You will be keeping a journal (discoveries and journey) through the eyes of Bud Caldwell.   These will also be for the other students in the class to comment and read. 
  • Written in your class blog ( so that all students in the class can access them and respond to your entry and others.
  • Write 3 journal entries on your blog (one for each day)
  • Complete 3 graphic organizers (one for each day)
  • Respond to 3 different students' blogs/journals
  • Final Task - “Putting it all together” iMovie Commercial with 3 other group members