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Step 1 (Day 1) - The Great Depression

Journal #1:
Bud experiences the Great Depression throughout the book.  He stands in bread lines, stays at a Hooverville, rides the rails, and doesn’t know where he will sleep at night.  Research the time of the Great Depression using the resources below.  Focus on what the time was like – the hardships and how peoples' lives changed.  This journal entry is very broad, so try to stay focused on connecting the times of the Great Depression and how it effected your day.  Your entry should describe many aspects of the Great Depression.  Be sure to address things like:
  • Where you slept the night before.
  • What your plans are for the day.
  • What you had to eat.
  • What you saw today in your adventures.
Use the graphic organizer as your guide when research the Great Depression.

Resources for you to use:
*Keep in mind that these websites are a start for you.  You must visit all 3 of these sites, but you are not limited to these.  Please let me know what good sites that you find.  Remember to look for valid information on any outside sites.*
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